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Dan Blake - Broughton - Principal Scientist, Scientific Development

Downloadable Resources


Broughton: Your Medical Cannabis Compliance and Market Entry Partner

As the medical cannabis market grows, expertise in testing, regulatory compliance, and quality control play a pivotal role in assisting category innovators in bringing their products to market.

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A step by step guide to Cannabis Testing

This guide examines the key steps in the cannabis analytical testing process and what cultivators need to consider when selecting a testing partner.

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Whitepaper: What are Stability Studies - An Introductory Guide

In this whitepaper, we discuss the stability studies that may be performed during pharmaceutical development and in support of a regulatory dossier to support the licensing of a medicinal drug product.

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Toxicology Advice and Consultancy Services

Our team of in-house toxicologists reviews and evaluates toxicological data on a wide range of chemicals to produce independent expert opinions on risk assessment. We then advise on the strategies to mitigate or reduce those risks to protect corporate reputation and public health.

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ICH Product Stability Storage and Analysis Brochure

With over 60,000 liters of in-house ICH stability storage capacity, supported by a team of highly qualified scientists and GMP-accredited laboratory testing facilities, we have approximately 250 live studies in progress and offer a full range of stability services to help bring your product to market or ensure its ongoing compliance requirements.


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Cannabis Services

Enhancing the positive reputation of cannabis by accelerating safe, efficacious, and high-quality cannabis products to a regulated market. Learn more about our cannabis services. 

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